Islanda - Creating Environments In Which People Thrive

Creating Environments In Which People Thrive

Professional coaching and training helping people thrive in every environment.

Which Area Are You Interested In?

Master Your Mind

Our Mission

To create a better world with:

  • More confidence, less anxiety;
  • More engagement, less burnout; and
  • More harmony, less conflict.

Collaborating with conscientious leaders and organisations, we are building communities in which people thrive.

Our staff reported a significant improvement in overall wellbeing, feeling more energised, focussed and balanced."

St Peter's Primary School

Islanda Co-Founders, Lisa and Dan Allen
Increase Your Motivation

Our Method

Energy optimisation

We prioritise energy optimisation, actively seeking opportunities to amplify and align it for enhanced performance, whether on an individual or collective level.

We specialise in supporting organisations, teams, and individuals facing challenges such as:

  • High levels of burnout, stress, and anxiety;
  • Subpar engagement levels; and
  • Diminished confidence.

Our objective is to empower individuals with the necessary tools to elevate their energy levels, bolster engagement, and enhance overall well-being—essential elements for achieving peak performance.

Many thanks for a truly positive day. It was so good and very helpful indeed to have you guiding us. Onwards and upwards towards progress."


Invest In Your People

Wellbeing Programme

Our Wellbeing Programme transcends the conventional approach of offering wellbeing gift packs or occasional workshops.

It’s a transformative initiative designed to integrate wellbeing into everyday life, fostering new perspectives, decision-making frameworks, and problem-solving approaches.

Much like mastering the art of riding a bike, these skills become ingrained, offering sustainable benefits that permeate every facet of existence. It truly embodies the concept of a perpetual gift, continually enriching the lives of participants.

As a lifelong resident of Croydon, I’ve always harboured a thirst for independence, a drive to achieve, and a strong desire to earn parental approval.

With a natural affinity for numbers, I pursued a career as a Chartered Accountant, following in my father’s footsteps, despite initially lacking the enthusiasm for such a path.

Fast forward to 2013, amidst my father’s declining health and a fortuitous career hiatus due to redundancy, I took a moment to reflect on my life and professional journey. Supported by various professionals, I came to realise there were alternative paths, prompting my personal transformation.

In addition to shedding some counterproductive behavioural patterns, I redirected my career trajectory. Drawing upon my accumulated business, management, and training acumen, I co-founded Islanda with my partner Dan. Our mission: to assist others in overcoming similar hurdles.

Becoming a certified coach and immersing myself in neuroscience and emotional intelligence training, I’ve amalgamated my experiences as a Chartered Accountant, business owner, and mother of three. This diverse background equips me with a comprehensive outlook and a versatile set of skills to guide, motivate, and counsel clients.

For me, nothing surpasses witnessing the moment when a client experiences a breakthrough, leading to a transformative shift in mindset or behaviour. It’s not just a victory for them but also impacts the lives of those they influence—a truly gratifying outcome for all involved.

It was the best thing I have ever done, you were never judgemental and you really listened. I feel a lot more positive and I am making small steps to live my best life. I would recommend it to everyone.


Parenting For Success Programme


 Our Parenting for Success Programme equips parents with the skills to support and guide their children in an empowering way that builds resilience and confidence to navigate complex emotions and regulate their behaviours.

Our programme recognises the challenges of social media and technology, ever increasing expectations and abundance of choice, all of which contribute to increasing levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

Such conditions render the old paradigm of parenting with control and instruction as outdated. Instead, the new world demands a new paradigm requiring parents to step back, let go of control and create an environment for children to grow, develop skills and practise strategies so they can manage their own emotional experiences and challenges.


Self-Directed Training Course

Experience personal transformation at your own pace with our online self-directed training course, Permission to be YOU.

  • Enjoy easily digestible, bite-sized content
  • Access downloadable workbooks for practical application
  • Learn at your own pace with self-paced modules
  • Experience affordability with low-cost options
  • Accessible on both mobile and desktop platforms for convenience

Need Some Reassurance?

Accredited By The Coaching Academy - DISC Certification
Lisa Allen - Accredited By The Coaching Academy
Islanda - Professional Member Of The Association For Neuro Linguistic Programming
Lisa Allen - Mental Health First Aid Certification
ICAEW Chartered Accountant
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