Seeing things differently

An Invitation to Think Differently

As we continue to progress through the different phases of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, I have been struck by the range of activities and energy at play.

Some people were keen to sample a beer a minute after midnight on 12th April, or camp out for the opening of the shops, whilst others continue to embrace the lockdown restrictions, staying at home and minimising social contact. Indeed emotions range from excitement and joy to panic and sadness and anything in between.

The emotion you feel represents how you have interpreted the situation based on your own personal experiences, fears and motivations. And, similar to the picture of the puzzle above, all responses are valid. Yet being more aware of how you tend to respond and being able to navigate your way out with less stress and anxiety and more peace and joy is more important than ever, especially if you are a leader of others.

This month’s newsletter provides some with tips and ideas to challenge your thinking, open your mind and work on wellbeing.

Increased agility increases resilience and enjoyment, reduces stress and anxiety and optimises performance, all of which will lead to a better future.

Please share anything you feel will help others, have fun and be kind to yourself. And if you need help please reach out.  

Love and best wishes

Lisa x

Challenge Your Patterns & GROW

When we want to develop or change, one of the best ways of doing this is to do small things that are easy to do, not related to anything specific that might trigger a ‘resistance to change’ and you do frequently.

Here are some really simple ideas as a starter – add more of your own and notice how your thoughts, feelings and behaviours evolve.

This Month’s Read…


A book giving hope to anyone suffering from a physical illness. Dr Jeff Rediger establishes a case for self-healing:

“To reach new depths of recovery we have to heal our diets, our immune system, our stress response and our identities”

At the heart of the examples is a willingness to let go. “Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick” Hippocrates.

Sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health & wellbeing. Creating good sleep habits is a great place to start creating that optimal mind & body environment that Dr Jeff Rediger refers to. Download this checklist and choose to improve 1 or 2 of your sleep practices at a time. Here is an interesting podcast about this checklist on sleep hygiene and if you want to read the full research paper at the source of the checklist you can read it here.

PlaySmart, An Online Course For Improving Mental Fitness

We are continuing to trial our new PlaySmart course with a selection of progressive cricket clubs.

If you are curious to find out what’s involved why not take a peep at the course with our 30 Day Free Trial. Mental fitness is the next frontier for peak performance – why not get ahead of the curve?

And finally, some food for thought…

A friend shared this piece of writing with me. At a time when there seems to be so much pain, anxiety, depression and suffering could it be that we are focussing too much attention on things that don’t matter?

Have a read – does this resonate? It made me stop and think…

I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter and it’s inspired you to do something differently to improve your life, happiness and performance.

If you know anyone who might enjoy or benefit from this newsletter please share this with them so they can sign-up. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or you would like a chat please email me at [email protected].

Have a great day!

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