Halloween Newsletter Grab your TRICKS or TREATS

Without thinking, just answer this question. Whilst this is a bit of fun, when we are engaged in activities that we choose to do (and don’t have to do), we can find out a lot about ourselves, our in-built patterns and how we are motivated. Take a moment to reflect on your choice. Is this a pattern that you recognise in other areas of your life? If so, how does it impact your results? Is this pattern helping or hindering you? Are you leveraging the benefits of having this pattern? Click on either/or both! of the buttons in this newsletter and collect your Islanda trick or treat.

Happy Halloween!

If you choose trick it could mean you:

  • like pranks!
  • are energised by uncertainty, surprise or fear 
  • prefer to choose things that others prefer not to
  • or something else

Alternatively, if you choose treat, it could mean you:

  • have a sweet tooth!
  • prefer certainty, predictability or safety
  • are motivated by rewards
  • or something else 

How do we thrive in uncertainty? 

2020 has triggered a rollercoaster of emotions and it doesn’t look as if the ride is going to end soon!

Early on in lockdown I wrote an article about navigating a business through organisational grief relating to the seven different emotional stages experienced during periods of significant change or loss. In June we published the results of a survey we carried out in lockdown (full report can be downloaded here). The overwhelming emotions being experienced were anxiety and uncertainty.

So where are we now on the emotional grief curve?

Whilst each person is different, depending on their own unique experience, my sense is that the overarching emotion being experienced at this point in time is one of anger and frustration, borne out by public demonstrations, looking for something/someone to blame, pushing back against the rules etc

At this stage we are looking back at what we have lost rather than focussing our attention on moving forward to a better future. 

How can we support ourselves and others to move through this stage?

Anger can be a difficult emotion to process as well as being a difficult emotion to respond to. However, it is also one of the most powerful emotions, fuelled with energy and courage – fantastic attributes for taking action.

Read this article on Dealing with Conflict and Anger to find out how to harness this energy and support people when they are angry? 

Meet James, our Trainee Coach 

James joined the family business in January 2020 and dived straight in, studying for his coaching diploma, supporting us delivering workshops and developing our sports mastermind programme. And then COVID struck!

After a period of furlough, James is now re-engaged with his training and has just completed his accreditation in DISC (a leading personality profile tool) and would like opportunities to practise. 

Would you be able to support James to develop as a coach? Read about James here and if you would like to find out more please email him at [email protected] 

Alternatively, you can sign up for a ‘DISC & 1-1 debrief with James’. For the first 10 people to sign up we are offering the debrief session at no cost. For just the cost of the DISC report (£30) you will receive your own personalised report AND he will help you to use the insights to improve communication skills, build better relationships and achieve your goals. To find out more about DISC and sign up for your free debrief session click on the button below.

DISC Behavourial Profile

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence for Leaders Online Course

And finally, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our first online course, Emotional Intelligence for Leaders which is due to go live on Sunday, 15th November at 9am GMT.

Join the revolution to create a better world and sign up for the course by clicking on the button below and remember to grab your pre-launch 50% discount using code EQLEADERS50

I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter.

If you know anyone who might enjoy or benefit from this newsletter please share this with them so they can sign-up. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or you would like a chat please email me at [email protected].

Have a great day!

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