Springtime news from Islanda

Springtime News From Islanda

Spring Forward With Positivity & Purpose

We’ve got through the darkest months, that in 2021 were filled with uncertainty, lack of social connection and restrictions, and now, with an indicative roadmap out of lockdown, we can start to plan and move forward with more certainty.

So how can we move forward with optimal energy and purpose and build a better future? And how do we support those that have either thrived, or felt comfortable, in lockdown and now feel anxious about coming out?

Preparing ourselves, mentally and physically, and creating the right conditions for the next phase is vitally important. Whilst many people are raring to go there will be many people who are feeling burned out, fragile or anxious.

We all have a fantastic resource at our fingertips to guide us through this next phase – our EMOTIONS. They provide insights about what’s going on and how we are perceiving the situation and, used intentionally, they can provide a sustainable resource of energy.

We have created this newsletter with tips and techniques for creating positive emotional states so that we can create better relationships, tap into our intrinsic motivation and perform at our best, all of which will lead to a better future.

Please share them with others, have fun and be kind to yourself. And if you need help please reach out.

Love and best wishes

Lisa x

Create the Right Conditions for Optimal Growth

When we have a plan our instinct is often to jump straight into action. Taking time to create the right conditions for optimal performance will reap enormous benefits.

Here are some tips and techniques to prepare you to bounce forward with energy and purpose. 


When stress or anxiety has us feeling panicked, overwhelmed or not being able to function it can help to have some simple techniques to help us de-stress in the moment and bring us back down to earth. Here are some really simple, and possibly surprising, tips to help you get into a better emotional state


Creating a habit of self-care really is a necessity. As a leader you have a responsibility to keep yourself physically and mentally fit and healthy to perform at your best as a leader inspiring others.

Click on the image to download a simple printable 30-day challenge with ideas to inspire your habit of self-care.

Engage the right emotions

Here are some activities to help you create optimal emotional states:

  • Click on the image to download a selection of word-searches – springtime for hope, hobbies for excitement and values for fulfilment 
  • Complete this great saboteurs assessment to identify your saboteurs so you can keep them in check
  • Sign up to our Optimism Challenge to develop a positive mindset

We are currently trialling our Play Smart Sports MasterMind Programme, equipping sports players with techniques to become mentally fit and master their minds when performing under pressure.

Take a look at what’s in store and sign up to receive details when it is released. 

I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter and that you are looking forward to coming out of lockdown with lots of opportunities for growth and enjoyment. 

If you know anyone who might enjoy or benefit from this newsletter please share this with them so they can sign-up. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or you would like a chat please email me at [email protected].

Have a great day!

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