Energy is key to performance

Without Fuel, Even the Best Engine Won’t Get You There

Energy is key to peak performance…

energy knowledge skills

As February begins, now is the time to reflect on the success of your new year resolutions.


Sadly, it is a well-recognised trend that many new year resolutions fall by the wayside early in January, and if new habits have not been established by February, you may find your willpower waning, resulting in a struggle to maintain those resolutions.


If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.


By example, we all know that eating well, staying hydrated and exercising are good for our physical and mental health, and yet how many of us actually do these activities consistently?


Not as many as you might expect.


Clearly, knowledge alone is not enough.


And yet, when something isn’t working, the go to response is to increase knowledge, or train skills.


Common examples that I have witnessed…


  • If someone is struggling with Maths, they are taught more Maths.
  • If someone isn’t productive, they are sent on a time management course.
  • If someone isn’t using the new system or process installed, they are sent on a training course.
  • If a sports team isn’t performing well, they increase their training activities.

When the issue is lack of motivation, or ENERGY, these responses are a waste of investment, and may actually make it worse.


Imagine, if someone has a fear of Maths, or believes they are not a ‘numbers person’, giving them more Maths, without addressing the fear or limiting belief, may exacerbate the issue.


So how do we optimise the energy?

The simple answer is tap into your emotions, a natural, sustainable, and limitless, source of energy available to us all.


This will involve:

  • Improving your base state, mood and mindset;
  • Generating emotions that move you towards your goal; and
  • Understanding, and working on, any sources of resistance
Another great tip:

Be mindful of where you focus your attention. Pay attention to the fact that your mind doesn’t compute a ‘negative’ command.

What do I mean by this?

A common example used to demonstrate this point…

What springs to mind when asked NOT to think about a pink elephant?

Your mind focuses on the object – the pink elephant – even though you were asked not to.

This is just how your brain works, so be sure to give it ‘positive’ commands.

If you want to eat more healthily and stop eating chocolate and crisps, instead of thinking ‘I must stop eating chocolate and crisps’ identify the actions and foods that will achieve your goals.

Next step

Let’s make 2023 a year for peak performance. Create a strategy and action plan that focuses on energy optimisation.

Not only will you perform better, it makes the whole experience more enjoyable and improves health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions or need support with any challenges please get in touch with me at [email protected].

Best wishes x

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