Her Majesty The Queen

Thank You for Everything Your Majesty RIP

n some way Queen Elizabeth II has touched the lives of us all.

And whatever views are held about the monarchy, no one can deny that our Queen was an inspirational human being, kind and compassionate above all else.

This period of mourning will be hard for many, even those not personally affected by the passing of the Queen.

Many will be reminded of other losses they have experienced and we will all be influenced by the strong wave of emotions that will be expressed in the coming weeks,  remember emotions are contagious.

During this sad time, check in with your own emotions, check in with others and be mindful of spending too much time immersed in mournful reflection or watching what will likely be 24/7 TV coverage and social media posts. 

Also, be conscious of behaviours that might appear inappropriate –  grief can be expressed in different ways – what might seem disrespectful to you could be the only way someone else is able to process their grief.

Finally, connect with others, share your thoughts and feelings and celebrate a life well lived.

In the words of Her Majesty “Grief is the price we pay for love” – it helps us understand and appreciate what is important.

If you need support please reach out – you are not alone. Take care x

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